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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Hi every1....well....actually 2day...everything goes normal....n....duh...juz bored la....actually, i didnt eat 4 10hours....dun say i'm on diet....1st...i hav 2 copy da malay exercise.2nd...i hav no moral period i n sonia, han rui n reshmy, cheeyoong changed place. Coz of cheeyoong's big head block 4 of us' sight. but da guys were getting more annoying. Fuhyoh, very noisy. (diz was nonsense) Then....after skool lorr. Went home...ate mah dinner. My mom wanna go out 2 buy shoes, so i hav 2 wash da plates. Then...i said: NO MONEY NO TALK. Then they promised 2 giv me 10 bucks. Of course i will pocket money finich becouse of yesterday i belanja christine cheah drinks. Thankgod luckily i got money again. Without money in mah purse was kind if weird. Haha. I luv money. N yeah, datz all 4 2day....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Changed mah blogskin
Hah, changed my blogskin. Actually i like d old 1. But i'm kind of ppl dat needs fresh things. Haha. Ya, i changed a lot of things about diz blogskin. Actually i juz want da image n da colour only. Da title, da script down there, da welcoming page.......i changed all. Coz da skin is kind of like...."y i can't get your true love?" I'm not gonna think like dat, so i changed a little bit. It becomes da theme--TRUE. Haha. Hope u all like it. Any complains or other advise about da skin, tell me at da tagboard. I'll always except ur advise n praised( did i sound very proud??) Ya, dats it. Well, 2 day....nothing special happened larr. Juz run my life as ussual. At last, sweet dreams n hav a nice 2moro. Hope u guys n gurls like da skin.
Haha....looooooooooooooong time didnt post.

The 2nd is thiam pet bro
Sry.....long time nvr blog oledy.Coz these days were kind of borin. Ya. Erm.....yesterday morning went 2 pandu puteri's meeting. Fuhyoh, da leader want us 2 run 2 rounds over our skool. Is not da skool field, is run outside da skool there 4 2 rounds n then hav 2 remember a tounge twister. The tounge twister is: BETTY BOUGHT A BIT OF BUTTER, BUT THE BIT OF BUTTER BETTY BOUGHT WAS BITTER, SO BETTY BOUGHT A BETTER BUTTER, TO MAKE THE BITTER BUTTER BETTER. Then juz sing songs lorr. Then hav a i think form 6 or those graduated senior came here n tell ur 2 become a queens 2 get your badge......when u hav 2 start...........Afterdat, went home lorr. Actually dat day was my primary skool's sports day, bcoz of the stupid meeting, i can't meet my pet sisters n pet brothers especially thiam joo. Haha, he is a cute boy. Very short 1. Juz like munta in shaman king. I hope he is taller now. I put his pic in diz blog. After taking lunch, go 2 skool 4 attending da chinese society....da girls hu danced were dancing ....singing....playing.....eating....nonsense oso....hahaha. Then it ends. I 4gotten 2 bring my pics....sad la.....well....i think diz all of yesterday's stuff....
Friday, June 16, 2006
Ankle Socks.......izzit cool??
2day, my skool period starts wif art. When we were copying notes, 2 prefects came in n called Brenda and Mag's name. I was thinking, wats goin on. Then, i saw foong teng, jan yi, brenda n mag went out. N then, da prefects said sum qords 2 them. Then, i saw both of them take out their socks. Then we realized they weared ankle socks. I asked Sonia about ankle socks. She say coz propersocks look very nerd. I agreed wif her. But i duno did da girls think like dat. Then, recess time, me n Sonia hav 2 borrow 1 book 4 Ruinie. Then, we ate very fast. When we go up da stairs, we saw Fui Swen n Jessie's sock oso got rampas. We was shocked coz even Fui Swen oso kena. Coz Fui Swen's didnt higher than ankle 4 3cm. Hey, if Fui Swen n Jessie's ankle is very low how? So she still consider wearing ankle socks arr?Then, maths period. I asked Cik Munirah about da questions, then she say she will pay more attension 2 me!!!!!!!! It was juz a simple question onli kay? Need 2 b so strict meh? So kesal dat i asked her. Haha, but i noe she is trying 2 take care of me. Then english period............geography period. Da teacher suddenly say she wanna chack our note book. I got do, but a little only. Then she come towards n check me, she say 2 little. I was so scared coz if i go out, i hav 2 be punished by our classmate. Luckilly she say nvm. ...........Then, da teacher asked us(da ppl hhu did note) how 2 punish them. Say Wei said: let them pull their ears n go 2 d end of da block n come back 2 our class again. Then, i duno y da gurls juz accept n da guys refused. After punish, da bell rings. When i was passing by Chow Ern(prefect) n a prefect lost their socks. Omg, even prefects oso kena rampas. Then, went home lorr. I'm quite kesian 2 those hu got rampas their socks, 2 collect their socks back, they hav 2 wear proper socks on monday. Ankle Socks......Izzit Cool?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I'm quite crazy n 38 2day
2day, teachers were having meeting, so no teacher lorr. The probates guard us 4 two lessons. All of them arr, really weird. They suddenly come n say: Plz soften ur voice, although i didnt speak at all. I think they r oso bored. But they can ponteng class. 4 me, is good la, but 4 them.......... Me, Sonnie(Sonia Ong), Teng Teng(Foong Teng), Michhie(Michelle Chuah), n Ruinie(Han Rui, I changed her nickname again) gathered. Teng Teng was bz'ing on writing 'Sarang He Yo'. It means I love you. Aders including me were copying the science thingy. Afterdat, we CHAT CHAT CHAT.........I kept laughing n laughing when i said any words. Stupid huh??Then.............
After 2 lessons, da kolot chinese teacher came. Fuhyoh, her class so damn bosan. She wasted 1&1/4 period 2 change our place. Then, 1/4 time 2 talk about ruinie n yanyan(han yan). Coz they went 2 da prefects motivation campaign. Afterdat, giv hmwk lo. During dat 2 period, tinetine(Christine Cheah), Angel(Angelica Tee), Zhi Qing, me n.......we were chating by writing on a paper. Coz we dun want da teacher 2 change our place ma. diz n dat lor...Then recess time.......I apologize 2 brenda after recess. Felt very very sorry 2 her. It was oso my fault la. Then, english lesson. Sonia n i were whispering about da series. Then, we keep laughing n laughing. Then, da guys were talking about Say Wei n Huey Wern. Coz two of them went out. Then they ask me n sonnie, wat will u think dat say wei n huey wern is doin. I said, noes....maybe.....Then, sonnie jokes: they will b at da PBSM room. (inside got bed, so....)Then, sonnie n i keep talking about them, n laughing n laughing, even Enrico tak tahan oledy...Hahaha..
I felt dat, y i'm so 38 arr??Then.......malay lesson....maths. I helped Cik Munirah 2 carry book after skool. I luv da office. Coz of da air-cong la. Then,,,go home lorr.
After 2 lessons, da kolot chinese teacher came. Fuhyoh, her class so damn bosan. She wasted 1&1/4 period 2 change our place. Then, 1/4 time 2 talk about ruinie n yanyan(han yan). Coz they went 2 da prefects motivation campaign. Afterdat, giv hmwk lo. During dat 2 period, tinetine(Christine Cheah), Angel(Angelica Tee), Zhi Qing, me n.......we were chating by writing on a paper. Coz we dun want da teacher 2 change our place ma. diz n dat lor...Then recess time.......I apologize 2 brenda after recess. Felt very very sorry 2 her. It was oso my fault la. Then, english lesson. Sonia n i were whispering about da series. Then, we keep laughing n laughing. Then, da guys were talking about Say Wei n Huey Wern. Coz two of them went out. Then they ask me n sonnie, wat will u think dat say wei n huey wern is doin. I said, noes....maybe.....Then, sonnie jokes: they will b at da PBSM room. (inside got bed, so....)Then, sonnie n i keep talking about them, n laughing n laughing, even Enrico tak tahan oledy...Hahaha..
I felt dat, y i'm so 38 arr??Then.......malay lesson....maths. I helped Cik Munirah 2 carry book after skool. I luv da office. Coz of da air-cong la. Then,,,go home lorr.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
My luvly computer!!!!!
Yesterday, when i was online, suddenly fui swen sent a link 2 get pictures about me. N i tot is real, coz i got took pic wif esther when her party. After i clicked, my msn juz look absoulutely not da same. I can't chat wif my frendz!!!! Then i wanna ask fui swen, oso cannot chat. Then, i ask my brother 2 try n use his account n sign in. His' account no problem. Then, i stop using it. 2day, when i went 2 skool. I saw brenda, jan yi n mag were at da pondok(malay). I was thinking, y they will b here, they suppose 2 hang out wif their gang, rite. Then, when i leave my bag at da pondok. Brenda was quite segan(malay). Then jan said: i help u 2 scold her! Then, jan said:y u send virus 2 brenda?? Then i said, oh...i oso kena da virus. Brenda keep saying: my computer die oledy la!!!! How??? I said: i oso duno, fui swen sent it 2 me. I think brenda is d onli 1 hu kena da virus thingy. Coz mag said she didnt click on da link. Soooooooo sorry la brenda. I think now brenda can't c diz blog. When i reach home, i on d computer, actually noth weird happen. Then, my computer seems 2 be slower n slower. Finally, i can't even open internet explorer!!! Damn it. I think u will ask y u still can blog? I'm using a laptop. Then, my bro said we kena spyware. hav 2 reformat. So i agreed although i hav 2 lose all my previous files. My dad brought da windows XP CD n installing now. Hope i could use my competer back 2moro. U now wat my dad say? He say he won't share computer wif us(me n my bro) anymore. Hahaha. No need 2 rebut(malay) wif him anymore. But, i should wave goodbye 2 my files oledy. Quite sad. God, plz help me. Hope i can hav my computer back again!!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Well, 2day went 2 tuition at morning. 90% of da lesson was talking about cigarette. But quite fun la. Sum of them saw da video n frightened 4 a while. Coz da video is about a women's brain been cut in2 2 parts. Da girls was so scared. Hahaha. Dat advertisment i saw b4 oledy. So... nothing 2 scared 4. Then went back home n help my mom do diz n do dat. Afterwards went 2 eat lunch. da luch was great, da gravy was excellent. After i took my lunch, i realized dat it was 12.50 oledy. I'm almost late. Luckily i went 2 skool is at 1.09. Thank god la. Then, our science teacher want us 2 copy da whole experiment thingy. My hands were so damn pain Then recess lorrr. I hanged out wif christal, christine n michelle. Go here n there, n visit onion(Tan Han Yan).Then go back 2 class lorr. 2day Rui Rui's (Tan Han Rui) hairstyle so damn cute. Then da last 2 period is english. Pn. Joy gave back us our paper. Thank god dat 1 got A. If not, i'm not gonna sleep 4 nights!!! Then skool bell rings n go home lorr.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Yesterday, went 2 ou again wif my bro. Ist we went 2 GSC n buy tickets. Dat time not many ppl were there. Then, go 2 d arcade. Played car racing n shooting. N oso basketball. I lose when play race car wif my bro. He got da 1st. Fuhyoh!!! After dat, go n shop here shop there, when 2 movie magic, wanna buy sum CD but no money la. Listen sum song at there only. Afterdat, we took our lunch at KFC. Fuhyoh, da bill costs 20 sumthin. 1 person 10 rinngit!!!! Then, we walked here walked there 2 digest our food. Then it's oledy 2 sumthin, da movie starts at 2.15 . So we went 2 toilet, then buy snacks. We realized dat there were soooooo much ppl buying da tickets, it's three times more than juz now i buy da ticket. Then, when we buy snacks, da guys infront of us so damn slow la. They say: ok la.....wait dont want la.....erm.....yes la. So stupid la, we waited so long. After we bought snacks, we go in lorr. Da movie almost start oledy. Luckily didnt b late. Da movie was okay.......damn funny. Oh, i 4gotten 2 say da name of da movie--Almost Love. It's a korean movie. Da guy's hair style in da movie damn cute n funny. It's kind of mushroom style!!!! Hahaha.Then we come out, went 2 body glove, n but my clothes. Then went back 2 phase 1 n buy sum food 4 my mom. Then go home lorr.
Friday, June 09, 2006
I got nothin back.
2day, went 2 1u wif amelia, yuelynn n ejuinn. We walked da whole complex, my legs damn pain. Actually i wanna but sum clothes.So, we went 2 tropicana life, radio active, body glove n more. When we were in body glove. Da clothes were great, actually i wanna buy, but when i look on da price......I'm almost fainted. U noe larr, i'm so poor, not much money 2 let me waste. Then, amelia saw 2 T-shirt, quite beautiful. She try on it.Then, she decided 2 buy. It was sale, 1st item we get 10% discount, 2nd item got half price!!! Ejuinn introduced me 1 of da pants dat she bought, very nice n i luv it. she say she got both colors. I said maybe i'll buy. Then yuelynn oso saw a pants, she can't decide does she wanna buy. So...amelia went 2 da cashier counter n pay money. So funny dat we thought dat 2 shirts 2gether were onli RM49 sumthin(coz got discount mah so accidentally look wrong lorr). Amelia took out onli 1 RM50 cash. Then da cashier say is RM77. Coz da total amount was showed very small under da comp screen. Then she take more money n paid. All of us laugh. HAhahaha!!!!! After dat, we past dream land, actually we wanna take pic. But bcoz amelia used much money so didnt take lorr. Then, it was lunch time, yuelynn n i were starving. Then we walked here n there, then we reached MCdonalds. Wow, so much ppl rite there. So....we leave. We walked here n there again. Finally, we saw BURGER KING n we straight away go there n take our lunch. When we were taking lunch, suddenly a guy asked us 2 donate money. He talked so fast, i absoulutely dun noe what the hell is he talking. It was nonsense. Then yuelynn were da 1st one hu donate ten ringgit. N then amelia n ejuinn. At last, i saw all of them donate. No reasons dat i dun do dat. So....i gave da guy 10 bucks. I'm so kesal(in malay)!!!! I juz hope i could take my money back. Then we went 2 arcade n play, yuelynn says he saw enrico(my classmate) was playing gamesa wif a gurl.The gurl, i had no idea hu she is. I keep losing in playing race car. Amelia was totally an expert in dat!!!! Then we played other games like drum, basketball.....etc.
After dat, yuelynn decided 2 go back 2 body glove n buy her pants n clothes. So....we follow lorr.Then we were walking here, walikng there, eating ice cream. Saw Chow Ern, Hui Ying (prefects in my skool). Chow ern came 2wards me n asked me wats my name. I'm freezed 4 a while then say my name. Then she juz go away. I had no idea y she ask diz. Then, Guess wat hu we met?? We met PROJECT SUPERSTAR WINNER JOHN!!! He was wearing a green shirt.Dat time he pass by us but three of us dunno except yuelynn. Then we turn back n c izzit him. Definately, he is. A lot of ppl took their phone n took pic. Then he went in 2 a saloon(i think he is try 2 escape us) Then, we turned back again, n walk around. Then we realized dat we hav 2 go back 2 old wing n buy sushi. So....turned back again, actually we tried 2 c is john in da saloon. Ejuinn n i were infront of amelia n yuelynn, n we were walking quite fast. When we pass by a shop, suddenly john walked out from da shop. Ejuinn n I almost langgar(in malay) him. Then ejuinn n i were shocked n we laugh 2. HAhahaha!!!! Then we bought sushi n bubble tea. I belanja(in malay) Ejuinn. Hers is RM4 n mine is onli RM2.50!!!! Nvm la, as a thank you dat she joined us n hav leg pain wif us. When i walked out from 1u, i realized dat i bought nothin at all. Then , send yuelynn n amelia back. 2moro, my bro n i will go 2 1u again, coz my mom want me 2 buy da clothes. N we gonna watch movies. Actually wat i wrote up there i duno did i arranged correctly, amelia if u now tell me arr!!! Sweet dreams n bb.
After dat, yuelynn decided 2 go back 2 body glove n buy her pants n clothes. So....we follow lorr.Then we were walking here, walikng there, eating ice cream. Saw Chow Ern, Hui Ying (prefects in my skool). Chow ern came 2wards me n asked me wats my name. I'm freezed 4 a while then say my name. Then she juz go away. I had no idea y she ask diz. Then, Guess wat hu we met?? We met PROJECT SUPERSTAR WINNER JOHN!!! He was wearing a green shirt.Dat time he pass by us but three of us dunno except yuelynn. Then we turn back n c izzit him. Definately, he is. A lot of ppl took their phone n took pic. Then he went in 2 a saloon(i think he is try 2 escape us) Then, we turned back again, n walk around. Then we realized dat we hav 2 go back 2 old wing n buy sushi. So....turned back again, actually we tried 2 c is john in da saloon. Ejuinn n i were infront of amelia n yuelynn, n we were walking quite fast. When we pass by a shop, suddenly john walked out from da shop. Ejuinn n I almost langgar(in malay) him. Then ejuinn n i were shocked n we laugh 2. HAhahaha!!!! Then we bought sushi n bubble tea. I belanja(in malay) Ejuinn. Hers is RM4 n mine is onli RM2.50!!!! Nvm la, as a thank you dat she joined us n hav leg pain wif us. When i walked out from 1u, i realized dat i bought nothin at all. Then , send yuelynn n amelia back. 2moro, my bro n i will go 2 1u again, coz my mom want me 2 buy da clothes. N we gonna watch movies. Actually wat i wrote up there i duno did i arranged correctly, amelia if u now tell me arr!!! Sweet dreams n bb.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
These Days(June 4th--June7th)
Well these days i'm bz on finding a blog skin. Conclusion, nothing special i found!!!But at least i found a blogskin which is FINAL FANTASY. I like da author hu make da was so real!!!! But i dun play coz i dun hav money 2 buy. I only watch da FINAL FANTASY VII, THE ADVENT CHILDREN.Not bad, i luv da charactera veryveryvery much!!!At 5th of June. I got my prize from 8tv ( 2 Jolin poster, 1 limited edition notebook, n of course da promo edition CD with postcard n translated lyrics!!!) Both of da poster was great, 1 is da limited edition huge size poster, Jolin was so beautiful. Her smile, her post--GREAT. Well d ader poster i gav it 2 my bro. Coz he keep bothering me n begged me 2 giv him. Actually i luv dat poster 2, i'm so kesal(in malay).Da notebook was cute. Finally da CD. Oh, i luv it. I tot da prize doesn't include da CD. Haha, my bro knew he was so angry. Luckily i didnt buy d album, but da real album is better than diz 1. Nvm la, my bro got dat. Well, at June 6th. I think as u know, for da western, it wasn't a good day,coz it is 06-06-06. I think u noe wat it means, sumthing like da devil la, i watched a horror movie, it is sumthin about it, i still remember dat i can't sleep after watchin it, coz i'm still in 8 years old. For da chinese, they said it was a great day. I also dont noe y la. Well 2day, every thing goes normal Again. Actually i got a maid yesterday, but 2 day, my mom juz sent her back, duno y la. I think bcoz of her attitude. Duh, hu cares!!! So....datz all in these day. Really a quite long post.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
3rd of June
2nd of June was my friend's birthday lorr.Juz now forgotten to put the pictures. Well 3rd of June, my cousin went 2 tasik kenyir early in da morning. I was to tired so didnt wave goodbye 2 them. My cousin SMS me dat da trip was fun. Actually i could go wit them, bcoz of da stupid piano class n malay tuition lorr!!! I can't go wit them. N i oso hav 2 help my mom!!!My cousin say they live in a chalet near da beach. I luv sea n beach.It was juz my heaven!!! But dun rain la!!! I luv seafood oso!!!! Especially crab n seabass, awesome!!!! Hope they enjoyed their trip.
In June 1st and 2nd.
Haha, long time never post oledy. So diz post will be talking about last two days.At 1st of June, Noth Strange happen lorr. Juz help my mom do diz n do dat only.2nd of June, dat day was my friend Esther's birthday party. It was quite fun, i got wet after i get into her house in 1 minute time!!!! We played waterfight wit water baloons. So funny dat da water ballon didnt burst when it touches da ground!!!! After dat, we played games and ate dinner.We played PS2 too(dance game only).Afterdat, we played pictionary. How stupid is diz game, i hav 2 close my eyes n draw!!!Soon, I got a Call. It was quite noisy so i went to da toilet n answer da call. Guess who is it?? It is TV station's worker call me n tell me dat i won da contest which i participate last 2 days. So happy i can get limited edition Jolin Tsai's poster n notebook!!! I told my brother about diz, he was absoulutely angry!!! Coz he participate too!!! Hahahaha!!Afterdat, my cousin come 2 my house, we watched movies n played.
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