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Sunday, July 30, 2006 bro n i were okay aledi
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Sry brother
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mah language is cacat
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Elizabeth Swann.....Will Turner's lover.....Friend 2 Jack Sparrow
(Keira Knightley)
Davy Jones.....Kapten of Flying Dutchman.....Enemy of Jack Sparrow
(Bill Nighy)
Kays......the cast of pirates of the carribean...........they r ly Jack Sparrow.....Loyal Will Turner..........Beautiful Elizabeth Swann.............n.........Enemy Dvy Jones.................luv diz film........remember 2 watch 4 those hu havent watch!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
so MALANG diz days

kay....erm...start wif....ya...2day....was so bored....wat i can do?....of course play computer.....mana tahu.....da computer suddenly hav a notice...." ur computer is in danger"........i was shocked........i was bz'ing downloading antispyware software....but all need money 1....haiyo.....then comp kena virus.....wat the ****..omg......kay...u will ask y i can blog 1....i still got another comp la....but cant use msn diz dat wanna tell me....come 2 mah blog.....yeah....i duno wat stupid virus infected mah computer....but it looks like 2 much spyware in mah comp....luckily i didnt pasang webcam.....if will control mah webcam...n c wat i'm doin....luckily is not in mah room....if not......u noe imesh n morpheus all got spyware n is cheating us.....when we is written 100% spyware & adware free.....go die la...i duno how i'm gonna live diz mah father is reformatting da comp....omg....all mah songs will be deleted...actually my dad was trying 2 move all da documents in2 da D: drive....malang is 2 late...da virus control mah whole my lovely click five songs....pussycat dolls chinese songs like....rainie....jolin....n .....kangta & vanness...........luv da songs.....kay....pussycat dolls live in malaysia....wat the **** i cant go...............................
1) no money 2 buy tickets
2) although got money 2 buy..i cant get VISA from mah mom
3) it is on a skool day
4) nobody can teman me 2 go
5) very rushing if i wanna go....coz i hav 2 do hmwk....take mah
kay....5 reasons y i cant go.....i really likey them...i like dont'cha, stik wit u, beep, sway, buttons...haiya...every song of their i likey.....ya....2moro goin 2 1u wif mah bro....gonna watch pirates of da carribean 2.....i miss d arcade....i'm gonna battle wif mah bro 2moro......i liv go at bro is dat kind of ppl hu very jimat cermat 1....but he oso got tuition in d afternoon....after watchin da mom will send mah bro 2 tuition....then go 2 1u again wif mah'm gonna get lotsa creams....yeah....luv them....n datz all...hope 2 moro will b a good day...wont b so malang....i cant do anything
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Didnt blog diz days
1) BORED.........BORED..............BORED..........
2)When i'm almost finish blogging, my bro want 2 use da comp, then he closed it ..... so ..... everything lost
3) Duno wat 2 blog about
4) I was bz when i wanna blog.....then i cant finish it....
5) My life is juz normal
6) Quite bz and tired these days
7) Dont have da mood 2 blog
8)Playing online games when i'm using da comp
kay.....8 reasons y i didnt blog 4 soooooooooooooooo long. well these days.....okay larr.....noth good or bad happened.....erm....finally....mah new maid need 2 do housework anymore......ya.....2moro will b a pandu puteri recruits sad i cant go.....coz
1) friday: hav 2 do lotz of thing
2)saturday: go shopping wif mah mom at 1u
3)sunday: go 1u n watch POC 2 wif mah bro
4) my mom say is dangerous (but i think is fun)
5) my mom say got haze (not really serious, but da camp will make camp fire....then dat time....lagi worse .)
6) i cant go online
kay 6 reasons y i cant go.....yeah but i oso rugi u noe.....
1) cant go play wif mah friendz
2) cant pass those test ( i wanna pass kelas dua u noe)
3) no experience
4) lost mah chance 2 eat cup mee ( coz mah mom dun let me eat at home)
5) no chance 2 noe more of mah seniors (they r cute u noe)
6) Mun Ling (da asst.leader) will kill me coz i didnt go ( she tot i will go)
kay....6 things i rugi......erm.....i cant wait 2 c POC 2 la......i'm oledy late 2 watch it..... anybody hu is goin me there....kay.....been ages i didnt go is last saturday i go 2 1u....saw 1 pair of shoes.....totally mom like it oso.....we wanted 2 size 4 us......sold out all.....i was so sad u noe.....i wanna get more shoes diz time.kay.....i think datz all
yeah....not many things 2 mension during these weeks...ya ....bye....
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Sorry my mom n dad
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Explaination 4 da pics

I think i should giv sum explaination 4 da pics....okay...start from da bottom...da 1st pic is me, the chrissies n wei yuen in da girls toilet(mirror image)....then...pic of me n christine at da corridor of block A 3rd floor...then me n christal...afterdat....pic of me n da chrissies....then....pic of da chrissies at da stairs....da next post....da pic from bottom is da pic of red house n blue house...actually i'm focus'in da blue house coz i'm in blue...yeah blue rox...but da flag stand da red house is in da middle...then...yeah...girl power pandu puteri....they got 2nd in of esther,erin,jessie n me... n esther at da last,me n erin...then da next yuk chai...k...da 1st pic is me, may tze n happy we met each ader again.. ha...we were da 3 librarians in our class in primary skool...da pic up there is da pic three of us in da graduation day last is b4 we went up stage 2 take our sijil perkhidmatan...k...back 2 da pics in da post...da 2nd pic r my juniors in da band....1st is calyn...2nd is...4got her name...3rd 1...gabrina...then yingying.. da flute 1...i duno...then my pet bro...cutie tian yu....haha...3rd pic is me n tian yu....haha...he cut his hair...if he dun...he will b superhyperduper cute...he juz like munta...very short...datz y i treat him so good....coz i luv munta(shaman king) of me n jessie at da back gate of yukchai...then...da pic is me n erm....4got his name...but he is oso 1 of mah pet bro....i took alot of pics wif him during band class....then....da last 1 is jessie n tian yu...n yea..datz all
Friday, July 07, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
YAY....FRANCE WON!!!!!!!!!
FRANCE 1:0 BRAZIL...HA....they destroyed brazil da 1998's world cup....these 2 teams were in da finals
.....france won.....haha....i'm absoulutely happy rite now....da goal is like diz:
it was a free ick 4 ZIDAINE....then....ZIDAINE pass da ball 2 HENRY....then.... HENRY GOALED!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA.....ZINEDAINE ZIDAINE ,THIERRY HENRY N PATRICK VIERRA....they r all my idol....haha.....but....brazil lost....erm....oso quite sad larr....coz i luv diz team 2....RONALDO was cute....he is kind of fat......
now....his weight is 90kg!!!!!But cute....i still remember his hairstyle in da last world was like ....erm.....i dunno how 2 describe....go find urself ..... go 2 england n portugal's match.... actually....i think both teams r quite bad....4 da gurls hu liked david beckham n owen....sry....during dat match....they didnt did well...da score is 0:0....portugal won in penalty....which is....PORTUGAL 3:1 bro hate england very very much......he always say: go retire la....owen n beckham. actually i said dat b4...haha.....
ya....da next match 4 france is wif portugal....erm......i think france will win...then german wif is not called world is da europe cup....dunt u think like dat....coz no brazil....n .....they were like matching wif their neighbour country....haha....i hope german n france will b in da finals...
hopefully.....FRANCE WILL WIN.....FRANCE....FRANCE.....FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
France vs Brazil!!!!Wat a cruel match
went 2 IKEA wif mah dad.....diz is bcoz my dad n i r doing a research 2 find a sofa 4 mah house's living room....ya....fuhyoh....i luv da furnitures very much......
it was small space could hav lotz of furniture....da kitchen design i luv da most....then....went 2 bedroom department....i saw a a day time bed frame....which means is like sofa....u juz hav 2 put cusions....then it could look juz like a costs RM 600....i told mah dad says....if got 4 u la...actually i saw da bedframe in da IKEA magazine since 2 years mom promised me 2 last....didnt....nvm la....i wont b angry bout diz....then.....came out from da showroom n go 2 da things.... is 2 cheap....but those superhyperduper expensive. A set of Forks n Spoons r worth RM129. Crazy huh?...ya....went out...went 2 da cafe...bought mah fave currypuff n cinnamon roll n a lemon tea. Haha....then went 2 da parking funny....
mah dad went 2 da wrong floor....i told him b4 we enter there...he doesn't beleive me....then...we can't find our car....then a security guard came n help us... no mah dad only....then we go 2 da lower floor by lift....ha...da lift was extremely big....haha...only my dad n i were music oso...
my dad says we r comin again 2 moro...then went out n go fetch mah bro from tuition....we ate da currypuff in car..fuhyoh....damn delicious....after fetching my bro suddenly says: ooi, can gimme eat da currypuff arr? I was suprised dat he started 2 eat spicy bro doesn't eat anything except meat...prawns...beans...snack....datz dad felt so happy dat he ate spicy stuff...then...actually we r on da way father remind me dat i havent collect my mom's shoe yet at centerpoint....ya....i dowanna get scold by mah went there lorr...mana tahu....havent finish repairing yet...haiz...
then went home...ate currypuff, cinnamon roll n mah mom's redbean soup....yummy....yeah datz all 4 2day. Well....afterwards...FRANCE VS BRAZIL...
i'm damn nervous....coz i luv france n weird 2 day....i've chat wif christal....she ask me hu i'm supporting....actually i wanna type france.....but i accidentally typed brazil....duno y....haiyo...then christal says she hate brazil....
erm....i'm kind of mad la.....i dun like german very much....but i think german will
be in da finals...yeah....hope france will win god....plz bless france 2
Saturday, July 01, 2006
yeah....afterdat...went out from skool.....ha...all of da form 2's splash water on kaishin.....kaishin left our skool yesterday...coz....i oso duno....she is quite kesian la......still hav 2 got splashed by ppl. Sonia started 2 cry.....then Fui Swen....Two of them r close wif kaishin coz debate. Well....kai shin is a total beauty....she left our skool...sad.....although we r not close.....but i seems 2 meet her after skool every evening.....hope she could be always happy n all da best 2 her. Then...went bro went 2 tuition then my parents n i went 2 centerpoint 2 eat dinner. mom says she wanna eat ice cream....of course i agreed. We went 2 D'Utama's Baskin Robins n bought ice cream. My mom chose VERY VERY STRAWBERRY wif Strawberry Topping, i chose CHOCOLATE COOKIE CRAKLE wif Chocolate Topping 4 mah bro. 4 me, i chose CHOCOLATE CHIPS wif Chocolate Topping. Fuhyoh..Da bill costs 28 sumthin.
N....datz all 4 yester day. diz blog....i've insert a chinese song. It is 'HAO AI TA HAO XIANG TA' erm....diz song...i luv da melody....4 those hu havent heard diz song...i think u all will like it....Hope u all like la....yeah...datz all