i kept telling myself :
Choong Jia Wen, Shut up!!
you've got 7 A's .......
there were others who have done worse than you!!
yes i know i should be grateful....
but when ppl ask me about my results...
i still cant help myself shouting internally on CHINESE!!!!
and i would just say BLOODY DAMN CHINESE to the person who asked
and they understood immediately...
there were some who had the same result as me....
and Florence was one of them...
and she was saying :
i really hate CHINESE la...
i meant the subject!!
though i speak a lot of Mandarin...
but when it comes to writing and comprehension....
i suck....
and my brother...
though he got only 2 A's in his PMR...
but he was kinda smug when he knew my result,
coz he got an A for Chinese....
looks like i really did no good in Chinese
the papers said that there were more than 20% candidates who got an A
my mom still insist that i must take Chinese for SPM
and now i have to take another tuition...=(
Anyway.....i'm still very happy with the results...
Thank God! You're the best!!
Congrats to the ppl who got STRAIGHT A's!!
and everyone else who did a great job!
Today is 31st of December...
the last day of 2008
the end of 2008
the twilight of 2008 =)
this year was kinda fun actually...
i thought having PMR will be exhausting....
instead i was having fun...
i didnt mean that i have interest in studying...
but the process of preparing the exam was kinda fun...
i realized that my friends and I were closer...
since we spent all day doing revision....
helping each other....=)
Time passes swiftly....like lightning
and there's no way back......irreversible
i'm quite positive that nobody could ever invent a time machine....
or teleport or travel back into the past......
so.....don't ever look back or wander in your past!!
since you can't do anything about it.....
even if we had remorse or sad memories
what we can only do is
look infront......
to the future that is waiting.....
and we shall never waste time anymore
A picture i took when it was twilight.
*blurry image
Goodbye 2008............