I've been running through my photo albums and I realize I took a lot of pics of the masks that I'd literally put on....
Most of them were done with my cousin whose a big fan of facial masks....
I thought I should share all these pics over here and might as well review all these Masks...
There can be all sorts of Mask...
The most common ones will be the Sheet Mask
then there's Wash-Off Mask
I remember Peel-Off Mask was very popular 10 yrs ago....
and I've use Clay Mask and
recently I tried the Powder Mask but forgotten to take the picture of it
OMG, there are tonnes of them....
Most of the masks below are sheet masks
so lets get started!
Okay I'll start with the Non-Sheet-Masks

Well it's a Clay Mask
and this is one of my faves because it does a great job in deep cleansing...
You can feel the sauna-heat effect while it cleanses your face thoroughly
eliminates all the excess oil and dirt
and what u see immediately is your face is much more brighter and smoother
and pimples seem to dry up....
Just apply moisturizer after this and pimples shall disappear the next day...
I always apply this after a camp or a really hectic day
It contains honey cream which is used for de-stressing
but the smell was really strong and my cousin said :
"I want to send you into the oven and bake now"
coz it smells like some butter cookies batter
anyway, I thought it didn't really do much in de-stressing
but the smell was something that is nice to inhale =)
Right : MJ Peel Off Deep Cleansing Mask
contains pomegranate and passion flower...
well my cousin used this one
so I can't really review this one
all I know is that the color of the mask is not purple but some dark fuchsia...
Peel-Off masks are use to exfoliate the skin
so it's very suitable for people with combination/oily skin.
with cucumber extracts
Again, this one was my cousin's as she has kinda oily skin
so what it does is also exfoliating and cleansing the skin
I know cucumber helps in soothing pimples....
Right : PureDerm Ultra-Hydrating Shea Butter Mask
which contains olive oil
Just like the name suggests
It's moisturizing and hydrating
skin felt extra softer and smoother
Okay, here we come to the Sheet Mask section :

Neutrogena Deep Hydrating Mask
I must say this mask is super different with any other sheet masks in this post
The Mask Sheet is made of some really soft material that fits exactly on your skin
and you can feel the moisture diffusing into your skin
it's really comfy la
I almost fall asleep in just minutes
and after removing the mask
your face won't be wet or sticky because all the essence in the mask had been absorbed
it's really really cool!!
I love this...
Moisturizing 100%
I didn't know why my cousin bought this for me,
probably bcoz everyone thinks that I'm older than her.
anyways, this mask has all the anti-oxidant fruit extracts.
To me, the mask was a moisturizing one and it actually brighten up my skin abit
not bad at all
Right : Pearl Essence Mask
-can't review this coz I never tried it before.-

Left (Yellow) : Etude House Lemon Mask
Lemon is a really useful skin brightener
the mask was pretty nice
but to much left-over after removing it
(which can also mean that they put extra essence)
I didn't really see much difference
but my mom suddenly said I looked fairer in the next morning
Right (Sand) : The Face Shop Lavender and Neroli Mask
obviously lavender is meant for calming and de-stress
the mask was okay, I didn't felt extra relaxing
but it does help in moisturizing

it contains oxygen which can make our complexion fairer and brighter
I bought 5 of them from a promotion
and I thought every usage does help a little bit in brightening my complexion
The result wasn't obvious until I used all 5 of them
My face did become a little bit fairer
and it's moisturizing too
Again, banyak left-over....
But it's pretty good for people with dull and dark complexion.

This is a really nice mask too
I've used this for a few times already
It's hydrating an makes skin softer and feel fresh
Love this too!
Ideal for dry/com skin people.
This is the most expensive one among all
I got it from my mom
Honestly, I don't really know what this mask is suppose to do
I suppose it's more to anti aging and whitening
Sorry to say, I didn't feel anything after using it

contains rose water
This is also a good one
Revitalizing and Refreshing
I like the soft and fresh feeling =)
Perfect for tired and dull skin.

This is quite useful for acne prone skin
coz it contains green tea that kills bacteria
I felt that my small little pimples are smaller
so yea...
it's pretty good
Right : Etude House Hydro Wrapping Firming Mask
The SA said that this mask is good for producing skin radiance and promotes blood circulation
Yes it's really moisturizing
The SA actually warned me about not using it too often coz it might cause some pimples
And I got 2 pimples just after the first use....
Well I'm not sure whether the pimples are wholly this mask's fault
But I'll make an experiment and try it again...
Overall, this one is quite good.
But not recommended for oily skin people.
i <3 neutrogena mask!!!!