well nothing much happened after Edeexcel exams
Stayed home, watched K-Dramas, ans blogging yeapz
okay as, I'm writing this, I think I'm really lifeless now :(
The reason, or I shud say excuse for me to not work and earn money, but stay home is...
well, I would like to take my driving licence, yeshh, don't laugh, I know I'm super slow :(
and then, have to prepare for my Grade 8 Theory retake, this is clearly an excuse coz I didn't really do much practice. anyways, the exam will be next Saturday, really have to Add Oil liao
and another reason, which is cystal-clearly an excuse, is because I wanna take IELTS
why excuse? coz I haven't even started registering yet...
Hope to take in Sept...
Anyways here's some random photos that I'd taken
Also One of the reasons/excuse : I'm learning Korean every friday at Korea Tourism Organization at Menara Hap Seng
The Saranghaeyo Korea Club
have to join this only can go for korean classes
Our teacher's name is Tiara, nice lady and very cheerful, teach very well :D
I really adore her korean-ish BM lol

AhnNyeongHaSaeYo :D
Cool korea plaza, you can ask all kinds of questions and travel info over there.
there's even a piano player who plays all the korean song to entertain you.
My abandoned for duno how many years cross stitch, really hope to finish it ASAP
but ran out of white thread, will sambung semula very soon
hehehe....cutest penguin on earth
owh forgot to mention, my another obsession other than K-Drama, It's Runningman!!!!
best Korean Variety Show mannnn!!
anyways, one of the host's nickname is Haroro, named after Pororo LOL
seeing Pororo reminds me of him hehe
owh and recently, went to Putrajaya to renew IC,
I really forgot when was the last time I been to that place
This time's visit, was fascinating, didn't know Putrajaya was such a beautiful and cool city
All the buildings look really high end
Love the broad streets and pretty fountains that can be found anywhere
My brother call it Gotham City LOL
Government Department that looks like a hotel from the outside
beautiful street
some mosque which is situated right beside the lake...
PM's Office
I like PutraJaya, there's a calmness to it, not many people, not many cars
and the building's are not too tall, can have a nice view of the blue sky
hope to visit there soon...
hehe, daddy, while waiting at the Identity Card Department
I must say, the Putajaya Office is really efficient
well I went on a weekday, so there's significantly less people, but there were many counters, so it didn't took me long to wait for my turn, and the IC is ready to collect on the next day, one day!! Not one month anymore! Really glad with this improvement. The building was very nice too, all the names of department are clearly stated on each floors, no fear of getting loss, no need to find at all. The staffs, hmm some were abit less friendly, but most were really really helpful.
Went for 2nd self explore session again, after Korean class as well
This time, went to Pavillion first
Wanted to look for a place to sit down while waiting for the sun to be less shining
so, din think much, went for starbucks again, but luckily I brought my bottle, "Han Fan" abit...
(I seriously think I need to stop going to starbucks, spending too much money there)
anyways, I went to the outdoor one, regretted after sitting down for 2 minutes
Smoke everywhere...
I have no offense on smokers, just that I really felt very uncomfortable to breath-in all the 2nd hand smoke...
Distracted myself by reading a book and doing notes
I think some tourist was staring at me coz I was reading so slowly...
sorry larrr, my english is just suck-ish, had to check the dictionary every 10 words
Anyways, this is the main reason for me to go Pavillion.
So that I can walk the long long track to go KLCC
yeap, I was thinking of making myself walk more, immediately think of this walkway, seriously good exercise, got slope upwards, slope downwards, guarantee you lose some weight LOL
But the best part is, the walkway is air-conditioned!! Very nice to walk :D
Reach the convention centre first, then salah jalan, walk even more, so I explored abit of KLCC Park
Beautiful place...
It was around 5 something, the weather was good.
I like how everyone just sit there or stand there and admire the beautiful view infront.
Basically I'm just staying home, being lifeless these days...
Really want to find a job, but wasn't sure how can I balance it with all the exams that I'll take.
Really want to find a job, but wasn't sure how can I balance it with all the exams that I'll take.
Anyways, I might try to find part time one after my Theory Exams end...needa earn some money for travelling hehe!!!
Hopefully I'll get to travel outside Malaysia for the first time in this year, my final teenage year.
There's so many things that I wanna do while I'm still a teen. Nvm la, do step by step, I still have 5 months afterall...